Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Personal Goals

As many of you might remember, my 2014 goal was to not buy any pre packaged or processed foods from the grocery. I've done pretty well with that but I'm far from perfect. Normal trips to the grocery consist of shopping the produce and dairy aisles with a quick trip down the baking aisle. I buy most of my eggs and any meat that I'm going to eat from local farms who pasture raise and don't use antibiotics.
This year's goal is more fitness related...and I'm checking things off of my bucket list along the way! I've joined a gym.
That, right there, was a very scary thing for me. I have no idea how to use gym equipment at all. I'd never been on a treadmill. Ever. In my life. Also, I'm a middle aged, tattooed single woman. So I've started with yoga classes and a little cardio. But I've signed up on BodySpace and this week I need to take my starting measurements.
One week from tonight I take my first snowboarding lesson!
Here's my first night breaking in my boots...wearing them about an hour each day to pack them out...my toes are almost asleep again lol. I guess you're never too old, right?

This April I'm taking a girl's trip to Ashville, NC and while there we will zip line! I'm so excited.

I've finished a few projects and started a few more.
 This cute grey fox is going to his new home tomorrow morning.
 This crocheted grannysquare baby blanket was given to my friend, Erin. She's having a baby boy in two months!
More burp cloths were made. And sold. And more are in the process.

This weekend I went with to support my gentleman friend during this. He was a trooper, as this was a big step up from his first tattoo. The next morning he said, "It's really sore. My first tattoo was a lie, all quick and easy. This one is like, 'Fuck you! I'm a real tattoo!' "

It made me really happy. This was his first one...
It was my Christmas gift to him.
And here's my newest ink...
I'm ready for another already too. My tax return should be here this week! Ha ha ha

I have some baking to do this weekend...red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing...and dirt cake. It's been a chocolate filled month of February. Luckily the act of baking the desserts is usually enough that I don't have to eat any! I'm twisted. Really.

Time for bed. Sweet dreams.

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